ok, this isn't a real one... ^_^ but I AM a jealous monkey. my friend is currently in a plane.. on their way to cali-forn-i-a... picture me totally green with envy. I loove to travel, and haven't been able to for like a year and a half now due to life stuff.. It's making me a bit loony LOL. I hate being stuck in one place .. I want to go go go. Everywhere. I haven't been to Cali since I was 19, I love it there.. I love the entire west coast. Plus, it's going to be gorgeous in cali (when isn't it) and I'm stuck here in gloomy grey weather all week. hmpfh. lol
Ce and I will have to plan a trip this summer or something.. I know we're prolly going to upstate NY for a weekend or something, but I dunno if that will help with my insatiable need to travel. Plus I have to drive there.. and while I do love driving.. 7 hrs with a 5 yr old in a car isn't really fun fun. Last time we went up there, the drive up was fine.. I was smart, and drove over night so he just snoozed (though I had to drive the majority of it in a scary thunderstorm).. the way back though, was horrid. We stopped at every.single.rest.stop. Every 30 miles.. mooooooom I have to go to the bathroom. >< ok. fine. lol At least on a plane, if he gets the urge to pee we don't have to stop the travelling to do so. He's a great little flyer though.. It's so much fun with him. The first time he flew, he was just under 2 so he was on my lap- that was unpleasant. One of the flights was overnight and the $#^@##%# in front of me had their seat back allllll the freakin way. Nothing like being pinned with a 2 yr old on your lap for hours. I could barely breathe. I'm kinda glad he requires his own seat now :p at least *I* can be slightly more comfortable lol. So who wants me to come visit? Some where fun.. and you know, you need to be near an ocean somehow. LOL I can't handle central US.. I need costal areas.
Ce and I will have to plan a trip this summer or something.. I know we're prolly going to upstate NY for a weekend or something, but I dunno if that will help with my insatiable need to travel. Plus I have to drive there.. and while I do love driving.. 7 hrs with a 5 yr old in a car isn't really fun fun. Last time we went up there, the drive up was fine.. I was smart, and drove over night so he just snoozed (though I had to drive the majority of it in a scary thunderstorm).. the way back though, was horrid. We stopped at every.single.rest.stop. Every 30 miles.. mooooooom I have to go to the bathroom. >< ok. fine. lol At least on a plane, if he gets the urge to pee we don't have to stop the travelling to do so. He's a great little flyer though.. It's so much fun with him. The first time he flew, he was just under 2 so he was on my lap- that was unpleasant. One of the flights was overnight and the $#^@##%# in front of me had their seat back allllll the freakin way. Nothing like being pinned with a 2 yr old on your lap for hours. I could barely breathe. I'm kinda glad he requires his own seat now :p at least *I* can be slightly more comfortable lol. So who wants me to come visit? Some where fun.. and you know, you need to be near an ocean somehow. LOL I can't handle central US.. I need costal areas.