

pet help!

so ce wants *another* pet.. yes yes.. we just got yoda what.. a month ago? Well really what ce wants is a dog- but he knows we can't have one right now. I promised him a while ago that when we had a house & a yard I'd get him a dog.......... this may never happen ^_^ but, that was the deal.
So anyway.. we had to go to the pet store to get fresh carpeting for yodas tank.. and as usual ce oogled at all the animals. I am not opposed to getting another pet but.. merh.. I dunno. I mean we have the cat- which makes things slightly difficult. While he's fat and lazy and never bothered the fish, and hasn't given a diddly about yoda.. I'm still a bit weary. He could suddenly one day decide he's a ninja cat I dunno LOL.
Then of course... I don't want a pet that is going to die in a year. I'm not into those replaceable animals.. I mean, they're cute and all but........ are there any little fuzzy things that last more than 1-3 years (I'm talking the mice, gerbils, hamsters etc.. I've never had one as a pet so I haven't a clue). I'm pretty sure they all have pretty pathetic life spans. Not my cup of tea.
He also expressed interest in birds................. >< I dunno if I can do birds. We had birds growing up.. and my mom has about 62346 now (really.. I have no idea how many.. but there are like 4 cages with multiple birds in each, plus a parrot.). I dunno if I want to hear chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp all day.. I already have to listen to the crickets for yoda and birds are louder haha... So...... maybe not. Plus.. bird + Cat..... no bueno.
I have a feeling we're goign to end up with another herp... of some sort.. snake frog.. another lizard.. but I dunno. The little hamsters were so cute, I just wish they lived longer.
Oh and I hate ferrets. a lot. so no one even think about suggesting those things lmao.
Am I forgetting anything?? I also don't want a 2nd cat. no.
this is really babbly sorry haha
If you read through all of this.. and understood any of it.. thank you. Tell me about yer pets.. and give me some suggestions here peeps.. I'm relying on you haha.