


So today be talk like a sea dog tide . This be th' best way t' talk. Everythin' ortin' ta be spoken like this, from now on (or until me hade be tired o' 't). So.. Connor an' I be sea sick.. *sigh* He`s in th' shower steamin' up his hade.I be havin' work t' do o' course but canna focus on anythin'. 'ceptin' this o' course. This be entertainin'. I be torturin' shawna mostly, on accoun' o' that be what I do.. that be what a good buxom beauty does. hahaha So aye, I be havin' nothin' t' actually say.. but really wanted t' be havin' a shipmate speak post on me blog today. `Tis a requirement an' what nay. Aft t' work an' brain explosions an' th' like. Be havin' a great tide me wenches.


Chels said...

LOL understood some of it

Unknown said...

buccanneer speak be th' best! glad yer blog be savvy.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Ahoy me hearty!

Samantha said...

A las me haerty! Lol...thats about all I can say.

Nikki said...

LOL!!!! Ye be cracking me up!

Vanessa said...

Ye be makin' me laugh!

Jacinda said...

LOL - pirate speak obviously comes naturally to you! Well done.