

truthful tuesdays :)

I have no idea where this post is going to go today. It's still way too early for me, and I'm not feeling especially open and chipper. Connor, my dear sweet boy, woke up at 530am.. I am not a morning person--at all. There's been plenty of nights when I haven't gone TO bed until 530am. I'm feeling a bit crummy about it, because he usually does wake up before me- he asks to get out of his room, usually a "mommy I have to go pee" I mumble something incoherent and roll back over. Most days if it's SUPER early he will come snuggle with me, he did for a minute this morning- but then it was over. He was bounding about all hyper and well very loud. I just wish I was a morning person.. LOL.. so that I could hang out with him, keep him entertained and so forth- or even just get an earlier start on the day. I am seriously DRAGGING my butt until like.. noon. I just sit around.. zoned out. I'm not a fun mommy apparently. I'll never be that mom who has everyone bundled up at 730 am and out the door for a day full of fun. I just can't do it. Lord help me when he starts school LOL. I had even found an alarm clock online last night thinking if I set a new annoying alarm, I'll be able to get up with ce and be all bright and cheery. Only problem is, I Set it for 830am. If I start setting that thing for 530, I may go crazy. I can't even fathom purposely waking up at that time every single day. I told shawna, connor's new bedtime shall be like.. 2am- just so there's no way he could ever want to wake up this early anymore hahaha, but I Don't think that will go well. I DO need to work at night while he's sleeping-- which is part of the mommy can't wake up at 5am problem.
I just feel bad for the poor kid.. he's got to be so bored overall. There's no one here for him to play with.. just me and the kiddo day in and day out. Geez, *I* am bored and I'm an adult. He's a bouncing bubbly crazy little 4 year old. We need people. LOL any people. Being so isolated here is just not cool.. I know it brings down my mood, and makes me even MORE fun for connor to be stuck around 24/7 hahaha.
Anyway.. he's finishing up his food now (he's rather slow with the eating.. at least that keeps him occupied for a while in the morning), so I'm going to go I have no idea.. zone out. haha. I can't believe I've been awake for an hour and a half.. *grumbles*


Angie said...

Can he go to preschool a couple mornings a week? It helps immensely - both him AND you. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ditto Angie, see if you can get him into a preschool to keep you both sane. And you can have a nap while he's gone! Woohoo

Nikki said...

Colton is in our 4 year old program so I get some kid free time everyday from 9 - 11:30. It does me good! LOL

I am so not the wake up early and get the day going mommy either. It's not that I stay up too late -- just don't function so early! LOL


Jennifer said...

I'm so not a morning person, either. Ryan starting school is killing me because we have to be up around 6:30. I'm not happy and chipper, I just go through the motions. I'd prefer to be left alone until noon.

I agree w/ the preschool idea. Any way to get him into one? It would be great for both of you. :)

Unknown said...

My kids get up at 6am. I prefer a 7:30-8am wake up. About the time DS1 was 3.5 we started leaving the TV set to Sprout and setting out a couple bowls of cereal at night. We told them there was breakfast & this is how you turn on the TV. Worked wonderfully. They quietly watched 30-40 minutes of tv & we got to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there are some free playgroups you and Ce can go to? I know there are in this province...just not where I live. Figures. LOL I'll be bringing Kaylee to the library at some point for their reading days just to get her playing with some other kids.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain La... today was the first day of school and I was up a full 2 hours earlier than normal. I'm a zone out, sit on the couch in my bathrobe kinda person in the morning too!

Lukasmummy said...

Poor you (((hugs))). Hope he stays in bed a little later tomorrow for you. Hugs Crystal xxx

Anonymous said...

You could send him to my house. LOL! Keira about drove us crazy this 4 day weekend, that child has so much energy. LOL! I think if Keira wasn't in preschool that we'd all go nuts, she's a very social person.

I'm not a morning person either, I wonder if there are people that are good in the mornings besides kids?

Pam said...

LOL LA, 5:30 is sleeping in for me! I'll come visit you and play with Ce so you can sleep in! ;)